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1  General / General Chat / Is this it for me...? on: May 02, 2013, 09:47:08 pm
Heh...Hiya everyone. It's been quiet awhile since I've checked around all the Mario site's. It would seem that thing's has changed...Dramatically...but that's not why I posted this...Some huge thing's are gonna happen to me in less than 6 weeks from now...and I fear that it will change my habits quiet abit. Aside from that though, I'm unable to re-download SMBO...though I feel I've accomplished all I could...not to mention the number of player's who get on...could be wrong though. So...I'm not sure what's gonna happen...but I wish you all good luck... Cry

P.S. I'll be able to enter the site normally, but I question I'll be the same person.
2  Super Mario Bros. Online / Glitches / Re: WAM Glitches on: August 16, 2012, 03:59:05 pm
To be honest, I ran into this glitch a few year's ago. All I can say is that you stay in one spot and hope you nail abunch.
3  General / General Chat / What happened to this site? on: August 01, 2012, 12:56:14 am
In the past few month's not many player's have jumped on the site to chat at's abit worrisome. A few player's-That I will not name-have'nt even been on in month's, and I mean the new one's. I'd appreciate it if you all can signify that your active, don't take it as an offense...just abit worried about what's going on.  Cry
4  Super Mario Bros. Online / Suggestions / Re: Voice Chat on: July 29, 2012, 07:16:13 pm
to be honest, it's not such a wise idea considering Some people don't even like talking through a mic. Not to mention random interference's getting in the way, but don't take my word for it.
5  General / Other games / Re: Mario tennis open - SMBO Clubhouse on: July 20, 2012, 07:36:18 pm
Oh dear......

You guy's MAY wanna look at this...
6  Super Mario Bros. Online / Game Discussion / Re: Daily event discussion on: July 20, 2012, 06:33:06 am
Mmmm...Estimating...around 12:00 pm central time is when you DE lover's should be on because I'm planning on bringing my slave's to be decoy's just until I get JUST what I need...though usually when I check to see who's on...Zero player's is what I get   Undecided
7  General / Other games / Re: Mario tennis open - SMBO Clubhouse on: July 19, 2012, 02:22:04 pm
Actually, i've improved upon that, and now i can beat star boo's and blooper mii's since all their pattern's are all the same. And like I said, absolute ragequitter's are the worst since THEY can't take a loss.
8  General / Other games / Re: Mario tennis open - SMBO Clubhouse on: July 19, 2012, 12:19:43 pm
In your case, that may be it, But the leader board say's differently. I'll admit. A handful of ppl not wearing the lastest gear got me over a barrel, But it's just wrong When people Purposly RageQuit on you when your about to earn a medal and or when your having a good match. That in term suck's the fun out of any kind of match. It just make's player's like me sad and mad...
9  General / Other games / Re: Mario tennis open - SMBO Clubhouse on: July 19, 2012, 02:56:37 am
Sorry, but i'm retiring due to the insanity on online mode, no matter HOW good you get, someone's gonna 1-up you regardless of getting an upper hand on them...Needless to say of course...not to mention It sicken's me to see a Majority of ppl wear the same thing Just for the advantage of stat's.

P.S Metal mario may be able to withstand all chance shot's, but he's a glorified Power type with terrible stat's.
10  General / Other games / Re: Terraria community on: July 13, 2012, 12:10:11 pm
Spendid! Once we at least get 3 or more people to play this at the same time, We can start off the server! Of course, we need to figure out what time we all can play. I'm Free around 2:00 pm central time.
11  General / Other games / Re: Terraria community on: July 11, 2012, 03:46:23 pm
Well since This topic has'nt been touch for a long while now, how about somebody host's a server for all SMBO player's. Here are some thing's:

-A new, fresh world
-New character's
-NO item's from other world's
-No cheating of the sort
-Fair Gather of item's
-Anyone can host The SMBO terraria server
12  General / New/Returning/Leaving Member / Re: hello i'm back! on: June 29, 2012, 05:41:36 pm
Well it's nice that you've returned, but....ever since summer started...everything just dried up for some odd reason...nobody's on chat, barely anyone get's on SMBO even after the big update, and the forum's are just's a mystery...but try your best to make thing's active if you can.
13  General / Fan Creations / Re: Nintendo adventure (DKC style) on: June 28, 2012, 04:01:40 am
*sigh* since nobody's around at all now aday's, Might as well hold off any kind of idea's till AT LEAST 5 ppl Really want me to continue, that is all.
14  General / Fan Creations / Re: Nintendo adventure (DKC style) on: June 16, 2012, 02:58:58 am

Ok....Considering barely anyone's on now and then, I'm just gonna wait and see who really want's me to continue, Considering none of the comment on this topic were'nt entirly base-*ahem*- Not at all based on appeal...
15  General / Fan Creations / Re: Nintendo adventure (DKC style) on: June 09, 2012, 06:32:10 pm
Far-off somewhere else on the island...Evil is afoot, and is grow steadily...

King K. rool: Hm...Are you sure this plan of your's will work without fail?

?: Positive, I've had experience with simiain's myself, so you can think of how my own attempt's go over...

King K. rool: BAH! That may be true, but you have'nt seen these pesky ape's in action.

?: Oh...?

King K. rool: Every time I come SO close, it all backfire in the longrun!

?: Hmph...well not to worry...I've got a small system that cannot fail in a senario like this. (multiple to be precise, but I will not tell him that)

King K. rool: Fine then...I'll hold you to that, but one thing i'm puzzled by is...WHY are your minion's roaming the island?!

?: simple, to keep outsider's off the island, and keep those kong's from leaving the island once so ever.

King K. rool: Very well...I'll tell my minion's to fall back for now...

And with that, King K. rool walk's into the darkness while the mysterious guest continue's to plot his master plan, but what could it be...?
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