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1  Super Mario Bros. Online / Game Discussion / Re: Well, I'm certifiably insane. on: December 18, 2012, 11:23:08 am
I prefer not to use the word "insane", rather "dedicated to completing a near impossible goal". Nice work, though.
2  Super Mario Bros. Online / Game Discussion / Re: Recent Server Downtime on: November 12, 2012, 06:35:20 pm
Hurricane Sandy was quite devastating. To me, the game isn't as important as how much damage it caused to the people. I'm glad you guys are fine, and hopefully, SMBO will be back to full strength. (Who knows? You might get an idea out of all this.)
3  General / General Chat / Re: Your opinion: Price for Wii U on: June 05, 2012, 09:47:55 pm
I personally don't care what price it BEGINS with. I'll end up buying it for less than that, anyway, as it's bound to go down.

For a reasonable start price? $250 sounds plenty good enough.
4  Super Mario Bros. Online / Game News / Re: **Part 2 of Huge Game Update 5/28/12** on: May 30, 2012, 11:24:14 am
I haven't fully-played the update, although I can say I enjoyed it. I haven't found a particular way to beat Armored Koopa (84 attack and 0 damage? Leaves me to believe I'm missing something.), and simu-blocks, though I haven't had a chance to use them, are a VERY nice concept.

Quick question: There is a badge where you need all the Ability badges, which is Pity Flower. The description makes absolutely no sense to me, so I'm just curious how Pity Flower in this game works.
5  Forum Games / Roleplaying / Re: RPG Simulator on: May 28, 2012, 01:00:27 pm
(Medicguy2: Level: 1, HP: 96, Attack: 1, Defence: 1, Jump Counters: 3, Punch Counters: 2)
-Medicguy2 turns to Yoshinator. "Time to bring you down to size!"
-Medicguy2 kicks Yoshinator square in the face.
-Yoshinator loses 4 HP!
-Yoshinator (Level 1) - 96/100 HP - 1 Attack - 1 Defense - (Jump Counter: MAX) (Punch Counter: MAX) (Fruit Shroom: 2)
-Using the propulsion, Medicguy2 lands on Fawful. "This fink-rat just had your fury handed to you, by the way."
6  Forum Games / Roleplaying / Re: RPG Simulator on: May 24, 2012, 04:35:31 pm
Medicguy2 (Level: 1, HP: 98, Attack: 1, Defence: 1, Jump Counters: 2, Punch Counters: 2)
-Medicguy2 had been shoved.
-Medicguy2 tells Yoshinator, "I'm rather touchy myself about this situation."
-Medicguy2 lands on a trampoline, uses the momentum from the earlier fall for greater height, and stomps on Yoshinator from a high distance. No amplified damage, but at least all the stress from earlier was removed.
-Yoshinator takes 2 damage.
(Yoshinator: Level: 1, HP: 90, Attack: 1, Defence: 1, Jump Counters: MAX, Punch Counters: MAX)
-Medicguy2's previous aura now has a slightly green-ish hue, indicating the extra jump counter gained from the bounce.
(Medicguy2: Level: 1, HP: 98, Attack: 1, Defence: 1, Jump Counters: 3, Punch Counters: 2)
7  Forum Games / Roleplaying / Re: RPG Simulator on: May 24, 2012, 10:19:32 am
Medicguy2 (Level: 1, HP: 98, Attack: 1, Defence: 1, Jump Counters: 2, Punch Counters: 1)
-Medicguy2 is really annoyed at all the shroom usage going around.
-Flustered, Medicguy2 tries a Guard, but was too quick. He forfeits the Guard, but somehow managed to hit Yoshinator with an Uppercut.
-Yoshinator takes 3 Damage.
(Yoshinator: Level: 1, HP: 92, Attack: 1, Defence: 1, Jump Counters: MAX, Punch Counters: 3, Fruit Shrooms: 3)
-Medicguy2's move may have cost him a temporary Defence point, but it gives him a Punch counter all the same, and his body now begins to show a faint white glow, kind of like an aura.
(Medicguy2: Level: 1, HP: 98, Attack: 1, Defence: 1, Jump Counters: 2, Punch Counters: 2)

(OOC: Two things.

First, so that some confusion is cleared up, I wasn't attempting a Guard, I'm just rather annoyed some people like to heal when it isn't necessary. There's no rule to that, but then what happens after you run out? I wonder if anyone thought of this?

Second, I don't know if there ARE 5 people to verify abilities at the moment. When I suggested some abilities of my own, they were designed, for the most part, to NOT give Counters when consumed for special attacks. I should've made that clear, but oh well. I was also suggesting a reason to use the Kicks, as it seems Jump and Punch are more viable due to their counters, so I was merely suggesting one for Kicks.

So, on the note of not enough people being able to verify moves for the game might I suggest we let, for now, two or three people verify that the abilities are good? Until we get more players, I don't see any new abilities being added until our community grows.)
8  Forum Games / Roleplaying / Re: RPG Simulator on: May 22, 2012, 08:34:13 pm
Medicguy2 (Level 1: HP: 98, Attack: 1, Defence: 1, Jump Counters: 1, Punch Counters: 1 (OOC: Forgot to input my punch counter data since last post.)):
-Medicguy2 is rather annoyed at Shroomerson, and jumps on him.
-Shroomerson takes 2 damage!
(Shroomerson: 72 HP, 1 Attack, 1 Defence, Jump Counters: 3, Punch Counters: 3, Mushrooms 3)
-Medicguy2 gains one Jump Counter.
-Medicguy2 is still slightly peeved. Wouldn't you be if a Toad said your girlfriend was in another castle, and stole a Mushroom?
-Okay, so maybe Shroomerson didn't steal any mushrooms, but this still irks Medicguy2 all the same.
(Medicguy2: Level: 1, HP: 98, Attack: 1, Defence: 1, Jump Counters: 2, Punch Counters: 1)
9  Forum Games / Roleplaying / Re: RPG Simulator on: May 18, 2012, 07:28:03 pm
Medicguy2 (Level 1: 98 HP, 1 Attack, 1 Defence, Jump Counters: 1)
-Medicguy2 is rather displeased with Shroomerson quoting from a different franchise.
-Medicguy2 lands a rather decent punch on Shroomerson.
-Shroomerson loses 3 HP!
(Shroomerson: Level 1, 67 HP, 1 Attack, 1 Defence, Jump Counters: 3, Punch Counters: 2, Mushrooms: 4)

(Proposing new skills, as well:

Speed Force: Your next attack deals -1 damage, but you get 2 counters for that action. You cannot use kicks during this phase.

Martial Sixty-Four: Consumes 3 Punch Counters, should you decide to use this skill. This skill takes three posts, and you cannot use other attacks or skills, or get any Punch Counters. During the skill duration, one punch is landed immediately for -2 damage. A second punch is landed the next turn for -1 damage. The last post ends the skill, with a kick dealing +(Attack Level / 2, minimum 1) Damage.

Spin Force: Consumes 2 Punch counters, should you decide to use this skill. Unlike Martial Sixty-Four, this skill starts and ends in one post. The Spin Force deals (Attack Level / 1.5, minimum 2) damage, and inflicts Stun on the target. Stun lasts for one turn, and they cannot utilize any skills or attacks (except jumps). They cannot use counters, either. After their next post, they get +1 Defence to all attacks until the post after. They cannot be stunned consecutively, but can be stunned again once Spin Force is used against multiple opponents. After 5 Spin Forces consecutively, you self-acquire the Superstun ailment, meaning you cannot make a move next post, but get +3 Defence to all attacks until the post after.

Wave Kick: Kicking now has it's own counter system. Upon collection of six Kick Counters, you may execute a Wave Kick, which hits two opponents at once.)
10  Forum Games / Roleplaying / Re: RPG Simulator on: May 16, 2012, 01:21:57 pm
Medicguy2 (Level 1: 100 HP, 1 Attack, 1 Defence)
-Medicguy2, noticing how Penguin4478, was mostly ignored, makes a surprise jump.
-Penguin4478 takes 2 damage!

(Penguin4478: Level 1, 93 HP, 1 Attack, 1 Defense, Jump counters: 2)

-Medicguy2 lands gracefully, and gains a jump counter.
(Medicguy2: Level 1, 100 HP, 1 Attack, 1 Defence, Jump counters: 1)
11  Forum Games / Roleplaying / Re: RPG Simulator on: May 11, 2012, 07:02:00 pm
(OOC: My turn, I suppose.)

Medicguy2 (Level 1): 100 HP, 1 ATK, 1 DEF.
-Medicguy2 enters and puts up a defensive pose, ready for any attack and preferring not to rush in.
Medicguy2 (Level 1): 100 HP, 1 ATK, 2 DEF (1 base, +1 guard.)
12  Super Mario Bros. Online / Game Discussion / Re: Improving the Stache Stat on: April 16, 2012, 11:59:19 pm
While this does sound nice, it's almost a little too easy that way, since we have a block to negate damage, or at the least mitigate it.

I've noticed some Paper Mario-ish elements and I'd like to suggest one thing: Super-block.

As it would probably imply, it would reflect some damage back on the opponent, while negating all damage (Say 25%, or 50%, of the damage). However, it would work similar to what Kimi has said: It would only work if your hp is low enough to support one of the stats. Since it's an idea for improving the Stache stat, I'll use it as an example, but it's variable enough to work on Defence and speed as well.

Using Kimi's example, though slightly modified, I have 100 HP, 20 speed 30 stache. I can only super-block if my current hp is 50 (Note, if my Max hp is 50, it'd be 25 instead, as it's only usable when my hp is half my maximum amount). With 50 hp left, penguin hits me for roughly 40 damage, supposedly. With my current speed, this would be around a 1% (maybe less, depending on point-of-view) chance of a super-block, but I acquire it.

Not only do I block all of this damage, but penguin gets hit for 10 or 20 hp (Again, depending on preference) in reflected damage (Altered by his own defence stat... if he had none, he'd receive full damage, but if he had 5 defence, he'd only receive 5 (or 15) hp damage.)
13  General / General Chat / Re: Birthdays on: April 09, 2012, 08:11:30 pm
March 18, 1992.

I'm the same age as Kimimaru XD

...Or am I older?  Shocked
You're older than me, at least

December 23rd, 1992.
14  Super Mario Bros. Online / Game News / Re: Update Cancellation on: April 01, 2012, 06:55:35 pm
If he stopped working on it for a permanent duration, idt the game would still be up. It still is, so I believe it's on a hiatus until kimi and hydra get enough time to release it.
Something on my mind, though, was why the maps that were done weren't released now, with the unfinished content blocked off. This was like Flower Hills, from what I can tell, so what's the problem with it at this time?
15  Super Mario Bros. Online / Suggestions / Re: New PvP Area on: December 30, 2011, 08:12:06 pm
~Train Station~
The trains here are merciless, driven by a Shy Guy. Free-for-all based combat 'cept in groups. Getting hit by a train will result in you being instantly killed. Trains appear every one and a half minutes.

Other hazards:
Rope: Roots you to the spot, but can still attack. This lasts 10 seconds. Usually on the tracks for comical humor. Surviving nets you a self-rescuer token, which can be traded in for 10 coins, 1 STS token, or 2 DB tokens.
Train hi-jack: Take control of a train with a remote comtrol, designed to take the train. Use this on unsuspecting players to instantly kill them. If you're successful, you get a hi-jacker token, which can be traded in for 50 coins, 6 sts tokens, 12 db tokens, and 1 dim star piece. You'll be marked as a player-killer, though, so beware!
Zipline: Use on high elevations to get to the other side. This is tile-specific, so is not an item. Doing this when going over a train nets you a Zipster Token, which can be traded in for 20 coins, 2 sts tokens, and 4 db tokens. Doing this just before the train shows up, and getting past it will yeilded 2-5 tokens, depending on how close the train is before you pass it.

Advantageous badges:
Spin Badge: There's a spectator area you can access if you possess it.
Drill Badge: Access an underground version of the PvP map, which is more difficult, but results in twice the amount of tokens rewarded. Trains here appear every 60 seconds, with an Underground Shy Guy travelling it.
Jugem's Cloud: Access the Sky High Train Station, the hardest map. Rewards are yeilded at 5 times the amount, but there's no zipline tiles. Trains appear every 30 seconds, driven by a Lakitu conductor. In addition, players in the spectator section can use Jugem's cloud to access the higher-up spectator area, considered "Box seats".
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