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1  Forum Games / Forum Games / Re: Count to 1,000,000 on: August 20, 2011, 08:19:50 pm
2  Forum Games / Forum Games / Re: Count to 1,000,000 on: August 13, 2011, 08:58:47 pm
3  General / New/Returning/Leaving Member / Re: im back :) on: August 13, 2011, 06:27:30 pm
thanks! im looking foward to it
4  General / New/Returning/Leaving Member / im back :) on: August 12, 2011, 09:42:11 pm
Hey guys im back to the game, im gonna start from the beggining. so here i am  Grin
5  Forum Games / Forum Games / Re: Im better than you! on: November 10, 2010, 08:51:11 pm
cool, im  better than you because i cant wait till smbo up
6  General / Other games / Digimon Ver. PC on: October 28, 2010, 11:49:01 pm
i like them, im just posting a digimon game, i'm not the one who make this just share  Smiley

simple game like a tamagotchi, you can battle with others using hamachi, see it evolve, etc.

screenshot (arent my digimon):

video (old) :

thats the old video

wanna the link for download? PM me i'll PM back

7  General / General Chat / Dangerous birds on: October 14, 2010, 03:57:42 am
Types of World's Most Dangerous Bird
9. Rheas
The Rhea, South American native, is a large bird that can grow on the weight of 60-80 kilograms. Although smaller than the ostrich and not aggressive like cassowaries, rheas have legs berotototot, hard spurs on their legs and kick them to bring the strength of 800 pounds per square inch.

8. Vultures
If cornered, a vulture (now many endangered species) can hiss or make a low grunting sound to you. They, of course, also has a sharp curved beak that can injure the flesh, along with very good eyesight.

7. Eagles
Eagle is a strong animal (strong enough to carry something that weighs four pounds), aggressive birds, and although they are not much danger for humans in the wild, in an enclosed space the claws and beak they can endanger humans with ease. (FYI, they can eat about half a kilo of fish in four minutes.)

6. Hawks and Falcons
Like other vultures, they have sharp talons and powerful beak which is used for hunting, along with speed and agility, creating a serious danger to humans, even if only a baby bird (its half-life 'can also be configured specifically for cutting through the spinal cord from their prey.) and Falcons_thumb [7]. jpg? imgmax = 800

5. Owls
Owls are Raptors, or birds of prey, and they use the claws and beak to kill, capture and eat. In an enclosed space, or if the bird is in fear or anxiety, can cause serious harm to you.

4. Seagulls
Gulls are very aggressive and is known for frequent attacks and even peck at the heads of the people to protect the nest and her child. In fact, the British people forced to carry umbrellas to avoid the attack, at least one woman was taken to the emergency room with deep beak wounds to the head, and the dogs were killed by the birds.

3. Canada Geese
Canada geese are very aggressive, especially if you (intentionally or unintentionally) near their nests or their young, then they will chase you to go and even bite you. Geese_thumb.jpg? imgmax = 800

2. Ostriches
Ostrich is a bird nervous and can be dangerous. They are the largest birds that are still there (they can reach more than nine feet and 350 pounds) and speed they run very large (up to 30 miles per hour for 10 miles straight). Like the cassowary, they have strong legs (they kick can kill a hyena), also have sharp claws.

1. Cassowaries
Cassowary, an endangered species, large birds that live in rain forests, forest and swamp in Australia. Cassowary unpredictable, aggressive and known for their large feet, and was also scratched. Kick they are able to solve the bone, and they have claws can be equated with a dagger.
8  General / General Chat / 7 things happen after crying on: October 14, 2010, 03:54:42 am
1. Helps eyesight
Tears turned out to help one's vision, not just the eye itself.

2. Killing bacteria
No need eye drops, enough tears that serves as a natural antibacterial.

3. Improve your mood
Someone who can cry because of lower levels of depression with crying, mood will be lifted again.

4. Remove toxins
A biochemist William Frey has conducted several studies about tears and found that the tears that came out of the emotional cry because it contains toxins.

5. Reduce stress
In addition to lowering levels of stress, tears also help fight diseases caused by stress such as high blood pressure.

6. Building community
In addition to good physical health, crying also could help someone build a community.

7. Comforting feeling
Everyone seemed to feel that way. Although you suffered various kinds of problems and trials, but after crying usually will appear a sense of relief.

So, it's okay if you cry once in a while.
9  General / General Chat / somethings that you shouldn't do in indonesia that i think 'it is silly' on: October 14, 2010, 03:40:52 am
the past on indonesia has told us to what not to do so as not to disrupt the area. but i say this is silly

1. When night falls it is prohibited from standing under a tree to avoid being drugged devil
Someone could have collapsed while under a large tree at night. To
invented this has nothing to do with drugged devil Pana. During the day plants need carbon dioxide for breathing, but on eating day plants need oxygen to breathe. Humans need oxygen to breathe, so the human respiratory process will be disrupted when under trees at night.

2. crushed lizard, unlucky sign
 intention of the stricken lizard itself. Who is not bad luck was good - tasty sit arrive - arrived crushed lizard.

3. Do not wear something sharp in the night
Perhaps this myth comes before the existence of electricity, so think parents forbid their children to not use sharp objects in the night. If now it has no electricity, why believe this myth.

4. Do not use an umbrella at night for no reason
Obviously not recommended, if you do it would be mistaken for a madman. No rain but the heat did not use umbrellas.

5. Women are not allowed to sit in the front door
in the past women still using the skirt, no one wore pants. So, if there is a woman who sat in front of the door must be seen ....

6. Do not whistle at night
The point is to not disturb people who are sleeping.

7. Using an umbrella in the house means bad luck
Yes, bad luck again there are many people in the house and we use an umbrella. Maybe people - people around you will feel disturbed or plugged his eyes.
Baca secara fonetik
10  Super Mario Bros. Online / Game News / Re: SMBO Possibly Closing Down on: September 14, 2010, 05:03:02 am
hmm.. about 6 pm in here.. maybe i will online Cheesy
11  Super Mario Bros. Online / Game News / Re: SMBO Possibly Closing Down on: September 13, 2010, 06:31:02 pm
Aw man, by the way i got my account back  :Smiley
12  General / New/Returning/Leaving Member / g2g on: August 14, 2010, 10:45:43 pm
sorry guys got to leave the game in sometimes i have somethings to do for school, cya
13  Forum Games / Forum Games / Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. on: August 05, 2010, 03:40:57 am
A: quack quack
Q: does it hurts you to see my cat dancing while eating a mouse  :Smiley
14  Forum Games / Forum Games / Re: Im better than you! on: August 05, 2010, 03:36:52 am
Im better than you because.. well.. because... i cant think any!
15  General / New/Returning/Leaving Member / Re: New member on: August 04, 2010, 03:03:55 am
hey there! welcome to smbo!
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