Super Mario Bros. Online Forums

General => Videos => Topic started by: mariofan13 on December 12, 2010, 03:15:30 pm

Title: Let's Play Donkey Kong Country 2
Post by: mariofan13 on December 12, 2010, 03:15:30 pm
Hey there everyone mariofan13 here. I finaly got the chance to lp donkey kong country 2 but there is something different. Well three different things. I will put the list here:

1. got an intro for my videos.

2. you will see a logo now.

3. there is commentary now.

Yes, I am doing commentary. There will be some announcements too so watch out for those. Anyway I have already recorded four parts so go bananas over these.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

P.S: This what happens when you have too much fun playing videogames. (watch Part 4)

Title: Re: Let's Play Donkey Kong Country 2
Post by: smashman43 on December 13, 2010, 05:47:50 pm
ahh, so I see you're taking the challenge of an Lp-er. It's kinda good if you don't talk much talk much during an lp because you might get "the lp-ers curse!". Basically, you can practice All you want, but when you start recording, you mess up.