« on: March 02, 2012, 10:19:34 pm » |
Here is the download to the jikpatch.ini file required to run the patcher. Right-click the link, click "Save target as..." and make sure to save the file as the name "jikpatch.ini" instead of "jikpatch.htm." This will format it correctly, and all you have to do at this point is put the file in the game folder and everything should be fine! Download
« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 02:50:38 am by Kimimaru »
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Touhou Music is Best
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« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2012, 11:03:35 pm » |
so if the patcher said that there were no new files to download even though there were, then this should fix it?
Razz the Koopa
Red Koopa Troopa
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« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2012, 11:03:17 am » |
Thank you for posting this, Kimimaru. This should eliminate the confusion and having to search for an updated file on the rest of the Forum.
Credit to Boshi for the Avitar. Thanks again Boshi, you rock! ^__^
PowerhouseYellow: Level 75.
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2012, 01:29:53 pm » |
so if the patcher said that there were no new files to download even though there were, then this should fix it?
The new Jikpatch file will fix the "failed to get Patcher\Patch_List.txt" error, but I'm not entirely sure about the problem you mentioned. As Kimimaru said, hopefully it will fix it.
Touhou Music is Best
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« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2012, 09:23:44 pm » |
I removed Razz's earlier post because it said to disregard it entirely. I downloaded it and replaced the old jikpatch.ini, and it looks like the content within is pretty different, so hopefully it'll work the next time I use it. Otherwise, it's back to you putting the files for new updates in winzips on sendspace, 4shared, mediafire, etc. XD
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« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2014, 05:15:03 pm » |
hello. im new to SMBO and im having trouble downloading this. when i right click on the link i don't see a "save target as..." option and when i left click it takes me to a blank page with only this text on screen: [server] server_name = Super Mario Bros. Online server_slogan = A 100% Free Mario Online RPG! notice_url = http://www.supermariobrosonline.tkpatch_site = www.supermariobrosonline.tkpatch_port = 80 patch_list = /patcher/Patch_List.txt patch_folder = /patcher/ executable = Super Mario Bros. Online.exe registration_link = http://www.supermariobrosonline.tkvote_link1 = vote_link2 = vote_link3 = skin = Skin\Default disable_bgm = 0 grf_file1 = .grf.c grf_file2 = grf_file3 = Backup_GRF = 0 startup_option = 3 [general] debug_mode = 0 archive_passphrase = 0 folder = Patcher [credits] programmer = Jikari version = 3.7 contact = utrunks202@yahoo.comwhat does this mean? (sorry to bother you with this.)
Touhou Music is Best
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« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2014, 06:28:21 pm » |
It might say "save link as..." instead of save target as.
If you want to manually do it you can make a .txt file called "jikpatch.ini" and copy and paste all the text that you're linked to inside that text document.